Our Work

Fairer, greener, healthier communities



Save it.

By collecting surplus food from supermarkets, we prevent these products from being wasted, which helps people and planet.

We ensure these tasty items end up on plates - where they should be - and limit the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food ‘waste’. Typically, 1 tonne of food wasted from supermarkets results in 1 kg CO2 equivalent emissions*. These greenhouse gas emissions can negatively alter our atmosphere and impact climate change.


Ride it.

We love bikes. So, wherever possible, we saddle up and ride out!

Vans used for delivery typically emit around 0.2 kg CO2 emissions per mile*, as well as toxic fumes and tiny particles that can damage our lungs and eyes, and make breathing harder.

Bikes are zero emission and zero nasty fumes!


Give it.

Working through existing charities and services, we get food to those that need it in a dignified way.

Over 80,000 people in Edinburgh live in poverty, affecting almost 1 in 5 children**. Ideally, the service we and our partners deliver shouldn’t be needed, but sadly it is and we are proud to be able to offer the support that we do.


To respond to the crises we are currently living in, Cargo Bike Movement recognises that governments, businesses, and organisations of all sizes must take an holistic approach to recovery, by working collaboratively to ensure that the wellbeing of communities and the survival of our ecosystems are prioritised.

Cargo Bike Movement developed in an organic way, bringing together various organisations to promote fairer, greener, healthier communities.

Cargo Bike Movement responds directly to the need for a Green Recovery by:

  • Replacing car and van journeys with low and zero emission bikes, resulting in cleaner air and safer spaces for people and nature.

  • Using active and sustainable transport options that offer our volunteer riders the opportunity to get out and get active, which benefits their mental and physical health.

  • Showing our decision-makers that Edinburgh is a prime location for using cargo bikes to fulfil short journeys and showing that our communities want these active travel options.

  • Using cargo bikes to free up space on our roads, which can be used to allow pedestrians to socially distance safely, especially on narrower pavements. With fewer cars and vans on our roads, pedestrians can feel safer and can enjoy walking more.

Edinburgh’s Green Recovery

Coming out of a global health pandemic, during climate and ecological crises, needs a strong recovery plan: A green one that puts people and planet before profits.


Benefits of cycling.PNG

Why we love cargo bikes

At Cargo Bike Movement, we get really excited about bikes.

Just look at our infographic and tell us what’s not to like about bikes! And, this doesn’t even cover all the benefits we could think of.

When it comes to cargo bikes, they have have the added benefit of being able to carry all sorts of stuff too. We’ve carried Christmas trees, pizzas, tonnes of carrots, dogs, the infamous 200 pineapples, other bikes, friends, friends in a boat… you name it!

Cargo Bike Movement are proud to support the campaign Spaces for People in Edinburgh, which encourages our streets to be more accommodating for people that choose to travel in an active and conscientious manner. Whether this is on bike, foot, scooter, wheelchair, rollerblades, skateboard, hover board… whatever, we want people to be able to feel safe to move and exercise in their local spaces.

Through our funding from Paths for All’s Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme, we aim to reduce the number of everyday car and van journeys, replacing them with cargo bikes, to encourage healthier and safer communities.

The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme has also supported the development of Urban Good maps for Edinburgh and Glasgow, which highlight urban green and blue spaces, as well as safe, active travel routes in our cities.

Our cities have the potential to be exciting places for people and nature - we just need to make a few simple, everyday changes to make this a reality.



Building a cargo bike movement

We are proud to partner with Farr Out Deliveries, '‘Edinburgh’s raddest cargo bike courier outfit’.

Also born out of the UK Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, Farr Out Deliveries saw an opportunity to do things differently for the sake of communities health in Edinburgh, environmental sustainability, and the survival of innovative, independent businesses.

Cargo Bike Movement and Farr Out Deliveries both share a vision for our communities to be fairer, healthier, and greener. Together, we are working at strategic, grass roots, and business levels to ensure we see the change we need on the streets of Edinburgh.
Come and visit us at our Cargo Bike Movement Hub in Tollcross!